November 3 – Day 58: All Good Things Must End

Well, today was the ending of Mother Night—or was it?

As far as I knew originally, we were going to close on Sunday the 4th, but I eventually became aware that it’d be Saturday the 3rd. I have no idea why we closed “early” (if indeed we were originally going to close on the 4th), but I’ve guessed it’s because whatever show is following us into the theatre needed Monday to load in, which meant we needed to be out on Sunday. (I could be wrong, though ...)

Seeing as how it was my last chance, I wanted to walk up Park Avenue to the theatre, which meant getting up a little early. It also meant toting my backpack, since I wanted to use it to lug home the stuff I’d had in the dressing room (which wasn’t all that much; some cards, a few t-shirts and socks, and some other odds and ends), rather than grab a Duane Reade bag.

After the rain Friday, it turned out to be a beautiful day and a perfect one to walk uptown. I didn’t have a specific route in mind, so I went up Avenue A, then over to 1st and 2nd, walked by Gramercy Park, and finally got on Park at about 20th. It wasn’t too crowded, so it was pleasant, although it was more tiring than usual, for some reason. Grand Central was the usual exception, as it’s always full, not just of people actually taking trains, but who become hypnotized by the ceiling whenever they step inside. (I guess I’m just too jaded to be astounded by it anymore, impressive though it is.)

 Last shot at the marquee on 59th.

I thought about getting a tea on the way, but I’m in the middle of a Starbucks challenge that will net me 75 stars if I make ten purchases after 2:00 pm, and I’d be at the theatre around 1:00. I had enough water backstage to make get me through the show, though.

 And the display outside Theatre B.

In spite of the show being sold out, it was a weird audience. They were chatty and giggly throughout, and laughed at weird stuff—one character’s death got a huge, inappropriate laugh and another got the usual chuckles. When we finished, there was a trio of people in the front row who got up immediately (to beat the non-existent rush, one assumes), but who got trapped, more or less, by our coming out for the curtain call, so they were dragooned into an involuntary standing ovation. Served them right.

Just a sample of some of my more subtle work with GG (Photo by Jennifer Dean.)

I keep saying it, but it really is true that, the more we played the show, the more things we kept discovering and playing with. In the second act, there are two scenes between Andi and GG, and every night, they were different. Sometimes they were friendly, sometimes they were pissed off at each other, sometimes frustrated, sometimes friendly, and sometimes a combination of any and all of them. I loved listening to it while Elizabeth and I played Canfield backstage. There’s a deck of cards I use as a prop, and Elizabeth would play Klondike solitaire while I kibbitzed. I eventually showed her Canfield solitaire, and we would alternate playing it while the other person gave their input. (We even won a few times …)

Following the performance, we made a final trip to the diner for a quick bite. GG, Eric, and I were joined by GG’s girlfriend and his roommate, and we just kind of talked about what we might have ahead of us. As we left the theatre, an older couple stopped us and thanked us for the show, then asked where the title of the play and book came from. Eric and I both knew it was Goethe’s Faust, but not where or how it falls in the original. I checked my Kindle version of Mother Night, which features Vonnegut’s explanation, but it was still a little murky. Armed with that much knowledge, though, they said they’d read the book themselves and solve the mystery.

We finished eating at about 6:00, and since we all had separate errands to run, split up. I went to the Starbucks across the street and added another day to my streak, then headed back to the theatre. I tried to get into the dressing room, but it was locked, and I didn’t know the pass code. I could hear Matt inside on the phone, and knocked, but to no avail. I decided to go into Theatre B until someone else got there, and while I was sitting in the front row, someone came in the back and shouted loudly, “Where the fuck is theatre B? Where is B?,” and slammed out. I had no idea who it was or what he wanted. (It was apparently someone from the load-in in Theatre A downstairs, but why he was upstairs or working at 6:30 on Saturday night, I cannot say.)

 Trish, Andi, and Mike Pence (at least according to a Facebook commentator).

I was alternately sad and energized while in the dressing room, and was packing up as much as I could (though I needed most of it for the second show). I was a little weepy while standing backstage for my first entrance, but was fine once I got out there. I don’t know how good I was—I may have been trying too hard because it was my last shot at doing it—but the audience, while quiet, was responsive enough. I teared up a little during the curtain call, and that was that.

 More subtlety. (I finally realized, after staring at it for so many minutes, that the painting is a picture of Donald Duck in a space suit.)

(Photo by Jennifer Dean.)

We all went to the dressing room to change and, despite Leah’s email that she had brought champagne and brownies as a closing-night treat, Dared left early (as is his wont), leaving the six of us. We went upstairs, had a brief toast, walked the set a little, then left for Bloom’s, an Irish bar on 58th. (As we approached it, I realized it had been the place we’d had the opening night party for Sam and Dede.) I was in a mood to both celebrate and be melancholy, so I told the waitress I wanted the best single-malt Irish whiskey they had. She got me a Jameson’s Yellow Spot, and it was darned tasty. I eventually ordered some sliders for supper, and they were good, as well.

 A fond farewell at Bloom's.

I’d expected that we’d be out until all hours, but we broke up around midnight, so I headed home. I watched some television, surfed a little, and called it a night. I hoped to take advantage of daylight saving and get an extra hour, and I suppose I did, but I turned in after 3:00, and the effect was lost.



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